“As a member of the Natural Products Association, I will adhere to the following Code of Ethics:
I shall sell or supply nutritional foods, dietary supplements and related products and services that may be helpful to consumers who seek to maintain or improve their health.
I shall sell only those products and services that are truthfully and legally labeled.
I shall engage in treatment, diagnosis, or prescribing only if lawfully licensed to do so.
I shall engage only in business practices that are legal, including marketing and advertising that is truthful and non-misleading.
I shall support individuals and organizations that increase nutritional information and enhance consumer rights.
I shall be responsible and ethical in my relationships with customers, employees, peers, competitors, governments, and neighbors.
In pursuit of this code and these goals, I will defend our first amendment right of freedom of speech and press to lawfully impart truthful information concerning diet and nutrition and will defend the health freedom right of consumers to obtain such information from the sources that they may choose.”