
NPA Urges New York Governor to Veto Bill Restricting Access to Nutritional Supplements

NPA Urges New York Governor to Veto Bill Restricting Access to Nutritional Supplements
Similar legislation will be voted on in the New Jersey State Senate Health Committee and Full Assembly Thursday


Washington, D.C. Today, the Natural Products Association (NPA) asked New York Governor Kathy Hochul to veto S16/A431, legislation to restrict and prohibit access to dietary supplements, a slap in the face to public health and anti-consumer choice. The letter can be viewed here.

Similar to legislation vetoed by California Gavin Newsom, the New York bill, S16/A431, restricts and prohibits access to dietary supplements and, in certain situations, requires a prescription to access these products. Failure to comply with this legislation would result in a fine of up to $500 for each infraction. Additionally, the flawed legislative analysis provided to senators even went so far as to suggest that certain nutrients, including vitamin D and calcium, are potentially harmful.

“It’s disingenuous and flat-out wrong to suggest the use of dietary supplements causes eating disorders,” said Daniel Fabricant, Ph.D. president and CEO of the Natural Products Association. “There is not a single data point that reflects these absurd claims. The dietary supplement industry has an extensive history of providing consumers with well-researched, trusted products as evidenced by the 80% of Americans who use at least one dietary supplement as a safe and affordable way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We are urging Governor Hochul to follow the science and data provided by the FDA and veto this irrational legislation.”

NPA has led the fight as the only trade organization opposing S16/A431 and similar attempts in California, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Missouri, and Rhode Island. NPA’s grassroots efforts totaling tens of thousands of emails and their extensive meetings with the Newsom Administration were instrumental in securing a veto in California. This Thursday at 1:00 PM EST, the New Jersey Senate Committee on Health, Human and Senior Services will hold a hearing on an identical bill, S2387, where NPA’s Kyle Turk and members of the board of directors will be testifying. Additionally, during the New Jersey Assembly voting session, it is expected that the state assembly will be voting on S2387’s companion bill, A3512. NPA is encouraging all health and wellness advocates to use their grassroots link here to encourage members of the New Jersey State Senate and Assembly to oppose S2387/A3512.