
Are You Ready for FSMA Preventive Controls?

Are You Ready for FSMA Preventive Controls?

FDA has released the Final Rule for Preventive Controls for Human Food, but is your company ready to comply with the new regulations? This webinar will lay out the ground work for you to easily understand how FSMA will affect your company and when you need to be in compliance. Some areas of discussion include:

  • Understand US FDA final rules for the Preventive Controls for Human Foods
  • What hazards require a preventive control
  • Requirements for manufacturers under the FSMA Preventive Control Rules
  • Requirements for suppliers under the FSMA Preventive Control Rules
  • Write and implement appropriate procedures for Preventive Controls
  • What verifications are needed by manufacturers to validate preventive controls to ensure they are being implemented
  • Be able to develop and implement a valid preventive control company food safety plan to close any gaps
  • Differences between validation and verification
  • Understand some of the technology and costs that can help you establish preventive controls
  • Be able to document and report results to management, external food safety and FDA auditors
  • Compliance Dates

Don’t procrastinate, get ahead of the game and be prepared for when the new regulations will be enforced. This webinar is a must if you manufacture food along with the suppliers of your raw materials including; company owners, senior management, regulatory affairs, and QA/QC personnel.

Contact the NPA team for webinar content.